Declare your vision. Make a plan. Take a step.

When I was still in school, my father gave me a plaque containing a quote by Calvin Coolidge on persistence. It’s pretty beat up now, having moved with me throughout my life. It still sits prominently on my desk.

Calvin Coolidge’s quote about Persistence

Anything is possible if you are persistent. Starting a business is no different.

But be warned: as soon as you start, the resistance will come. It is going to lovingly whisper, “you can’t do it”. It will attempt to derail you.

The thing that keeps you moving forward is having a clear vision – a North Star – a goal that is important enough to propel you forward when your body and soul are crying “enough”.

Combat the resistance by proclaiming a clear vision and deciding what you are not going to do. Break your project into small actionable and achievable steps. Create habits that help you work every day to move forward.

Declare your vision. Make a plan. Take a step. And then another. And another.